2019 Archive
19.10.18 (2019 October 18) Windows 10 1909
I do expect there to be some minor issues on this v1 for Windows 10 1909. Please let me know ASAP so I can correct and thanks for being patient!
If you have imported Windows 10 1909 prior to this release, please delete that OSImport | OSMedia | OSBuild and start with this release. I will offer ZERO help if you are trying to save some time
Windows 10 1909 Support. Requires OSDSUS 19.10.18+
Get-OSMedia | Get-OSBuilds | Get-PEBuilds
Should return results much faster due to a Sessions.xml change
Modifications for Windows 10 1909
Added RegBuild property which will not match Build for Windows 10 1909
Changes to support Windows 10 1909
Update-OSMedia | New-OSBuild | New-PEBuild
Changes to support Windows 10 1909
OSDUpdates gathered in BEGIN, should speed things up a little
New-OSBuildTask | New-PEBuildTask
Changes to support Windows 10 1909
Content Selection for Windows 10 1909 will include Windows 10 1903 selections
WinPE Phase
Updates for Windows 10 1903 and 1909 for SSU and LCU will not be processed. This is pending some direction from Microsoft on the changes between WinPE Versions as they appear identical
19.10.13 (2019 October 13)
Some behind the scenes improvements
19.9.20 (2019 September 20) Server Stuff
Added support for Windows Server 2019 1903 (requires OSDSUS 19.9.20)
Add Download parameter (replaces Quick)
Replaced MediaESD with FeatureUpdates
Removed Adobe updates for Server Core
Add Updates parameter
Remove OSDInfo parameter
Remove SkipUpdates parameter
Removed Adobe updates for Server Core
Add Updates parameter
Remove OSDInfo parameter
Remove SkipUpdates parameter
Removed Adobe Updates for Server Core
New and Updated Documentation
19.9.12 (2019 September 12) OSDSUS
This release incorporates OSDSUS for Microsoft Updates
19.9.10 (2019 September 10) #PatchTuesday
Lots of new updates today, too many to list, but here is a link
Added RequiredModules OSDSUS. This is the new PowerShell Module containing the Microsoft Updates. OSDBuilder will use this Module at a later date
19.9.6 (2019 September 6) @SuneThomsenDK
Resolved an issue where DotNet Framework was not installing on some versions of Windows 10, now everyone gets it! Many thanks to Sune Thomsen for discovering this issue and working with me on testing over several days
19.9.1 (2019 September 1)
New updates for Windows 10 1903
19.8.27 (2019 August 27)
Resolved Update-OSMedia parameter issue
New Windows 10 1809 DU
2019-08 Dynamic Update for Windows 10 Version 1809 for x86-based Systems (KB4506578)
19.8.22 (2019 August 22)
No Microsoft Updates in this release
Windows 10 1903
Resolved an issue with WinSE (Windows Setup) receiving an error. This is related to the LCU and a lack of a public Dynamic Update from Microsoft. Going forward, until Dynamic Updates are available, the LCU will not be added to WinSE (SSU will still apply). It is recommended you rebuild any Windows 10 1903 OS's from the BASE OS (the one you imported)
To make things easier for you to identify a BASE OS, Import-OSMedia will now copy an Imported OS into an OSImport directory. This will make it easier to identify the BASE OS
You should MOVE your existing imported OSMedia, or it's easy enough to do by mounting ALL the ISO's and using a similar command
OSImport MediaType
You will notice the change when running Update-OSMedia or New-OSBuild* where you can identify the BASE OS
PowerShell Gallery Link
19.8.21 (2019 August 21)
More non-Patch Tuesday Microsoft Updates. These are probably very important for them to be released like this
Resolved an error when no Optional Updates are installed
Resolved an update issue with setup.exe and setuphost.exe for Windows 10 1903. To resolve this issue, you must rebuild Windows 10 1903 from original Imported Media (18362.30)
19.8.19 (2019 August 19)
New updates for Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012 R2, and Windows Server 2019
19.8.15 (2019 August 15)
My Birthday Update. All OSDBuilder content has been moved to a subdomain. Module has been updated to reflect the new URLs
19.8.13 (2019 August 13)
August Patch Tuesday updates have been added
19.7.29 (July 29, 2019)
Windows 10 1903 - New Servicing Stack and Cumulative Update. There are lots of changes in this LCU so I have linked the information from Microsoft below (July 23, 2019)
Windows 10 1809 and Windows Server 2019 have new SSU's, and Windows 10 1809 has a Setup Dynamic Update!
Latest Microsoft Updates (July 10, 2019)
Today's release has tons of Patch Tuesday (July 9, 2019) Updates. Windows 10 1803, 1809, and 1903 have all been tested and work great
Changes from to
Minor changes to Windows 7, Server 2012 R2, Server 2019 to properly report compliance
ryancbutler - Allow ISO path and name to be set for New-OSDBuilderISO.ps1 or return ISO path
iainbrighton - Error Exporting Hashtable Variables
iainbrighton - Cannot create OS build task without Out-GridView
Here is the update list, its easier to see with this link
19.6.27 (June 27, 2019)
19.6.19 (June 19, 2019)
No major changes in this update as they are mostly related to updating .NET, although the previous .NET Cumulative Updates have not been marked as superseded (strange). Additionally Windows 10 1809 will still install KB4480056 as the newer .NET Cumulative Updates are still NOT updating several .NET 4.7 files
Function Changes
Resolved an issue where WinPE ADK information was not displayed properly in the console. Thanks Sune
New Updates
19.6.14 (June 14, 2019)
Resolved issue with OSDBuilder -Update
so use the script below to take care of it
New Updates
19.6.13 (June 13, 2019) Legacy Update
This release only contains Updates for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012 R2
19.6.11 (June 11, 2019) Patch Tuesday
Hello friends, here's a quick list of the changes
Open PowerShell and type in OSDBuilder for some quick shortcuts to get the latest OneDrive and download your updates
You can just type OSDBuilder instead of the full 'Get-OSDBuilder'. 'Get-' is not necessary. You knew that, right?
Detailed Execution Time
Functions will start showing more detailed execution times so its easier to track down the proper log. This is a work in progress and is not 100% complete, especially in PEBuilds
New Updates
Here are the new updates, no time to test.
Lots of changes to the internal Private Functions, now using proper PowerShell Verb-Noun naming format. Work in progress. Make sure you close all open PowerShell Sessions after updating the Module
19.6.3 (June 3, 2019)
New Windows 10 1903 SSU and LCU's have been released, and the issue with the LCU not being able to be applied to WinPE seems to have been resolved
I have started to add a Time Stamp and Duration to the Console output, which aligns with the Log Time Stamp. This is being added in pieces, so it may take a few updates before this is complete.
Some internal Scripts and Functions have changed, so I highly recommend closing all PowerShell sessions after updating to the current Module version
19.5.22 (May 22, 2019)
Installing the LCU in WinPE is causing DISM related issues in Windows 10 1903. This is currently disabled until a resolution can be found
19.5.21 (May 21, 2019)
Added Windows 10 1903 to ESD Downloads
19.5.20 (May 20, 2019)
Windows 10 1903 has a new Cumulative Update. The remaining updates from May 16 appear to be MicroCode related (OSBuilds only)
19.5.14 (May 14, 2019) Patch Tuesday
Patch Tuesday is here folks and ALL Windows 10 OS's have new Servicing Stacks!
19.5.7 (May 7, 2019)
Cumulative Updates for 1809 and 1903. New Servicing Stack Updates for Windows 10 1903. No script changes in this release to keep everyone at MMSMOA happy!
19.4.26 (April 26, 2019)
New Dynamic Updates for some old versions of Windows 10
19.4.14 (April 14, 2019)
New-OSBuildTask - Use SaveAs parameter to create a Template (replaces the Kind Child Mandatory parameter that made zero sense)
19.4.12 (April 12, 2019) 0daydorpher Edition
Update-OSMedia and New-OSBuild were not renaming the temporary "buildxxxx" directories upon completion. Thanks @0daydorpher
19.4.11 (April 11, 2019) HASMUG Edition
Windows 10 1903 Updates
Content Directories are no longer presented in standard list
Optionally create a Template
Edit an existing OSBuild Task
Parameters are used to select Task Items
Content Directory Changes
Content\ADK replaces Content\WinPE\ADK
Content\DaRT replaces Content\WinPE\DaRT
New Content Directories (Automatically Created)
Content\ADK\Windows 10 1809\Windows Preinstallation Environment
Content\IsoExtract\Windows 10 1809 FOD x64
Content\IsoExtract\Windows 10 1809 Language
Content\IsoExtract\Windows Server 2019 1809 FOD x64
Content\IsoExtract\Windows Server 2019 1809 Language
19.4.9 (April 9, 2019)
Patch Tuesday Updates! (no other changes)
19.4.3 (April 3, 2019)
OSBuild Merged Last Run Task is saved in the OSMedia directory
Dismount-WindowsImage (WinPE and OS) will be delayed 10 seconds to allow for open file closures
MediaESD parameter adds the ability to download Windows 10 1809 Feature Update ESD files
OSDBuilder\Media is now scanned for expanded Feature Updates
Removed ErrorAction Stop when an OSBuild could not be renamed
Removed ErrorAction Stop when an OSMedia could not be renamed
19.4.2 (April 2, 2019)
This release contains updates to OSDBuilder WSUS Catalogs. No other changes are included in this release
19.3.26 (March 26, 2019)
OSArch - Parameter to filter the results by OS Architecture (x64 or x86)
OSInstallationType - Parameter to filter the results by OS Installation Type (Client or Server)
OSMajorVersion - Parameter to filter the results by OS Major Version (6 or 10)
OSReleaseid - Parameter to filter the results by OS Release id (1903, 1809...)
Revision (OK or Superseded) - If a Revision is OK, it is the most current revision of this OSMedia Family
Updates (OK or Update) - If Updates is OK, the OSMedia is up to date
Only displays OSMedia that need an update in GridView
19.3.21 (March 21, 2019)
This release focuses on improving the OSBuild Task experience and some minor bug fixes thrown in
DisableFeature parameter is a rename of DisableWindowsOptionalFeature
EnableFeature parameter is a rename of EnableWindowsOptionalFeature
RemoveAppx parameter is a rename of RemoveAppxProvisionedPackage
RemoveCapability parameter is a rename of RemoveWindowsCapability
RemovePackage parameter is a rename of RemoveWindowsPackage
19.3.18 (March 18, 2019)
Resolved issue where Registry Reg Templates displayed an error when generating an array
Resolved cosmetic issue where 60GB was always displayed in the console, regardless of size. Thanks @pieterrrman​
19.3.17 (March 17, 2019)
New function to create VHD Files. Useful for AutoPilot Testing
Updated to display the AutoApply Templates that will be applied without using the
19.3.15 (March 15, 2019)
Function has been renamed to
to mirror changes to related PS ModulesContentDownload parameter has been added to support updating OneDriveSetup.exe
Explained in the following link
19.3.14 (March 14, 2019)
Get-OSBuilds - resolved issue with Cumulative Updates showing Repair. Thanks Andrew!​
Import-OSMedia - resolved issue with Legacy OS's not being imported properly
New-OSBuild - resolved issue with LCU being applied one too many times. Thanks Steve!​
Resolved error message during check for Module OSBuilder. Thanks Mike and Reinhard!
19.3.12 (March 12, 2019) Patch Tuesday
Function Changes
Replaces Get-OSBuilder
Default new directory C:\OSDBuilder
Replaces Get-OSBUpdate
Replaces New-OSBMediaISO
Replaces New-OSBMediaUSB
Replaces Show-OSBMediaInfo
Rename Parameter MediaINFO to OSDInfo
Remove Parameter MediaISO
Added Parameter SkipComponentCleanup
Rename Parameter DownloadUpdates to Download
Rename Parameter MediaISO to OSDISO
Rename Parameter MediaINFO to OSDInfo
Added Parameter SkipComponentCleanup
Rename Parameter DownloadUpdates to Download
Rename Parameter MediaISO to OSDISO
Rename Parameter MediaINFO to OSDInfo
Removed Function New-OSBUpdate
Removed Function Repair-OSBuildTask
Removed Function Repair-PEBuildTask
Removed Function Rename-OSMedia
Module Name Change
Ok, so changing the Module name from OSBuilder to OSDBuilder was not an easy one, but to be fair, the name change is more consistent with what I do (OSD Stuff) and easier to distinguish what it is used for. I have tried to make the changes with minimal impact to you Here are the things to know
OSDBuilder checks the Registry for your last OSBuilder path and picks up where OSBuilder left off
OSDBuilder will use your current OSBuilder directory, without any material changes
OSDUpdate Catalogs are now part of the OSDBuilder Module
As long as you are on the latest OSDBuilder, you will have the latest OSDUpdate Catalogs
Since the OSDUpdate Catalogs are part of the Module, it's easy to go back to a previous Update Revision if necessary. Just download an older OSDBuilder Module
You can stay on a Patch Revision until you are ready to update by staying on an older Module version
Updates are downloaded to Content\OSDUpdate
This should not impact you as OSDBuilder is being released on Patch Tuesday, when you have to get new updates anyway
Content\Updates will not be deleted automatically and is now an Orphan
Language Packages are no longer downloaded by OSDBuilder
Microsoft has stopped publishing links to Language Packages in WSUS, as a result, I could only include versions up to 1803. Since ALL Windows versions could not be supported with my downloads, the option was removed rather than supporting multiple methods for obtaining Language Packages
Additionally, the size of the Language Package Catalogs (8.62MB) is not ideal for including in a frequently updated PowerShell Module. For comparison, all Windows 10 updates for all versions is 840KB
Additionally, since OSDBuilder uses different logic for addressing Updates than OSBuilder, I was short on time getting this solutioned for OSDBuilder's release. Because there are Solutions and Workarounds for getting Language Packages added, my time was better spent on other things. If time permits and there is a substantial need to be able to download Language Packages in OSDBuilder, I will consider adding them back
Existing downloads in Content\Updates will continue to work in New-OSBuildTask and New-OSBuild
As a solution, use the Language Pack ISO's from Microsoft MVLS going forward
As a workaround, download all your Language Packages in OSBuilder before upgrading to OSDBuilder
As a workaround, use my OSDUpdate PowerShell Module to download the Language Packages and add them to an OSBuild as a Package
Optional Downloads are thing
These are available to download and install in OSDBuilder
Alias Everything
You can execute OSBuilder or OSDBuilder. Changes have been aliased
Q: But now my C:\OSBuilder directory doesn't have the same name as OSDBuilder. What do I do?
A: Relax and rename C:\OSBuilder to C:\OSDBuilder
Q: How do I add a custom SSU or LCU?
A: You can't for now
Q: Can I update the Catalogs myself with WSUS?
Install-Module OSDCatalog
OSDBuilder 19.3.10 (March 10, 2019) Beta
Final testing for March Patch Tuesday release
OSDBuilder 19.3.9 (March 9, 2019) Beta
Some Functions and Parameters have been renamed for consistency
Replaces Get-OSBuilder
Last updated
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