
ContentPacks are new to OSDBuilder in that they can replace all the individual content that you normally add to a New-OSBuildTask

How Do I Enable Them?

If you are using an existing OSDBuilder Home, you may be using Drivers, ExtraFiles, Registry, and Scripts in Templates

If you are not using those directories, you will need to delete them to enable ContentPacks. After these directories in Templates are removed, simply run the following commands

OSDBuilder -Initialize
OSDBuilder -CreatePaths


If you look in the ContentPack directory, you will find one called _Global. This means that it will be applied to every New-OSBuild that is created (unless you disable them)


Start by creating a new ContentPack for Windows 10 using the following command. Without any parameters, the directory structure will include everything, much like the _Global ContentPack

New-OSDBuilderContentPack -Name 'Windows 10'

ContentType OS

To limit the ContentPack to OS related Content, you can set the ContentType parameter to OS

New-OSDBuilderContentPack -Name OS -ContentType OS

ContentType WinPE

Just like OS, WinPE can be separated as well

New-OSDBuilderContentPack -Name WinPE -ContentType WinPE

ContentType MultiLang

And yes, MultiLang ContentPacks can be created as well

New-OSDBuilderContentPack -Name MultiLang -ContentType MultiLang

Last updated