OSBuild MultiLang

This guide requires OSDBuilder 19.4.11 or newer

So how do you solve the problem of upgrading Windows 10 in an organization with multiple Windows 10 System UI Languages without making 5 separate images?

The answer is so stupid simple, and takes about 10 minutes of time


This new function has a single parameter, CustomName. This is what you will name your new OSBuild. In this example I have used the following command line

New-OSBuildMultiLang -CustomName 'HASMUG1904'

When prompted, select an OSBuild. Only OSBuilds with Language Packs installed will be displayed. Press OK

If you read the warning, you will understand how this works. A copy of the OSBuild will be made with the CustomName and MultiLang appended at the end. The install.wim will be exported to Temp, and then mounted, so this is non-destructive to your original OSBuild

Then each Language Pack will be set to the defaults, and a new Index will be added to the Install.wim

The Base Language by default is already Index 1, in my case, en-US

And finally everything will complete. The entire process takes about 2 minutes per Language (not including the Base Language as this is already done). In my example with 5 total Languages, it completed in a little over 7 minutes.

Image Details

The size difference is about 100MB

Get-WindowsImage shows the 5 indexes

MDT and SCCM ConfigMgr

Yes, each Index does contain the proper Language information, so when you deploy this OS, make sure you select the right Index

Last updated