OSBuild Validate




You should first validate your OSBuild by using New-OSBuild without any parameters

The first step is to select an OSBuild Task and press OK. Its important to note that this OSBuild Task was created with a UBR of 17763.107

OSBuild Task Information

The OSMedia that was used to create the OSBuild Task will be displayed, as well as the OSBuild Configuration

The problem is that I seem to have an updated OSMedia that should be used

This is not an issue as OSDBuilder will automatically select the latest release

Use the DontUseNewestMedia parameter if you do not want to use the latest OSMedia

Task Templates

OSDBuilder will search the Templates directory for Tasks In this case it founds the Task Template created in the previous section which contained NetFX3, WinPE AutoExtraFiles, Appx Provisioned Packages, and Enabled Hyper-V.

To skip using Templates, use the SkipTemplates parameter

Content Templates and Updates

The remainder of the information relates to Content Templates and Updates

Last updated