Release Notes

21.7.16 (2021 July 16) OSDCloud Integration

Today's update makes some minor additions to support OSDCloud from a Windows Setup Environment, Windows Preinstallation Environment, and Windows Recovery Environment.

Simply create a New-OSBuildTask adding the WinPEOSDCloud parameter. You can optionally add Windows Recovery Environment support by adding the WinREWiFi parameter

The OSDClould integration will add PowerShell Gallery support to WinPE WinRE and WinSE and install the OSD PowerShell Module

Keep in mind for all of this to work, you need PowerShell added, so add your ADK files as appropriate

If you enabled WinREWiFi, the latest Intel Wireless Drivers will be automatically downloaded and added to your WinRE (since WiFi only works in WinRE, not WinPE and WinSE)

Once that is done, you can now start OSDCloud from Windows Setup or Windows Recovery Environment

21.7.4 (2021 July 4) USA Independence Day

Today's update resolves an issue installing the new combined SSU + LCU. The SSU will be extracted from the LCU and applied prior to the installation of the Combined LCU, which will now succeed since you have the SSU installed

21.3.9 (2021 March Patch Tuesday)

Resolved an issue with the SetupDU update ...

20.9.29 (2020 September 29)

Made some changes to support Windows 10 2009 (20H2)

20.7.6 (2020 July 6) 2004 Update

After a LONG hiatus ... I'm back. Don't ask where I have been, I'll share soon enough, but let's just same some changes at work (I'm a Manager now), obviously COVID, and some downtime spending time with my family has taken all my free time away from the Community. I apologize for that ... but some new stuff coming! Thanks for all the DM's on Twitter wondering where the **** I have been, and it was Manel's video call today that got me rolling. What a friend!

Some internal changes to support Windows 10 version 2004 have been made as well as resolving an issue where Optional updates not downloaded would prevent Update-OSMedia and New-OSBuild from completing

20.2.26 (2020 February 26) Gary Blok Edition v2

  • Support for Insider Feature Update for Windows 10 2004 (20H1)

  • Import-OSMedia (Gary Blok's suggestion)

    • Path parameter added to support importing OSMedia from a custom directory

20.2.20 (2020 February 20) Gary Blok Edition

  • Get-OSBuilds

    • New filter options added to match Get-OSMedia

  • New-OSBuild

    • Exclude - new parameter to exclude specified Update Groups

    • Include - new parameter added to only include specified Update Groups

    • Modified naming of Mount, Build, Renames to match DateTime format

  • Update-OSMedia

    • Exclude - new parameter to exclude specified Update Groups

    • Include - new parameter added to only include specified Update Groups

    • Modified naming of Mount, Build, Renames to match DateTime format

If you are looking for a method to add some automation to Update-OSMedia here's a good example

#Get all OSMedia that needs an Update
$OutOfDateMedia = Get-OSMedia -Revision OK -Updates Update -Newest

#Update all OSMedia that need an Update
foreach ($Media in $OutOfDateMedia) {
    $Media | Update-OSMedia -HideCleanupProgress -Download -Execute

19.12.19 (2019 December 19)

  • New-OSBuild

    • Resolved issue with Optional Updates not applying

  • Private Functions

    • Resolved issue where multiple matching downloads could be found in the Updates directory

    • Converted Sessions XML parsing to OSD Module function Get-SessionsXml

19.12.10 (2019 December 10) Patch Tuesday

You will also need to update the OSDSUS Module for the latest Patch Tuesday updates (ETA 1:00pm CST - Houston USA)

  • Get-DownOSDBuilder

    • Modified FeatureUpdates Parameter Block for full Automation. Thanks Johan

    • Removed the step to remove an existing expanded Feature Update

  • Get-OSMedia

    • Modified sorting to properly calculate latest Revision

  • Import-OSMedia

    • Modified to use OSD Module Get-RegCurrentVersion for Registry information

  • New-OSBuild

    • Modified Taskless Parameter requirement for Taskless ParameterSet

    • Modified to use OSD Module Get-RegCurrentVersion for Registry information

    • Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

  • New-OSBuildTask

    • Modified to properly recognize OSDBuilder Settings RemoveAppx parameter

  • New-PEBuild

    • Modified to use OSD Module Get-RegCurrentVersion for Registry information

  • Update-OSMedia

    • Modified Taskless Parameter requirement for Taskless ParameterSet

    • Modified to use OSD Module Get-RegCurrentVersion for Registry information

    • Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

  • Private Functions

    • Add-ContentPack - Modified organization

    • Add-ContentPackMEDIA - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-ContentPackOSLanguageFeatures - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-ContentPackOSLanguagePacks - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-ContentPackOSLocalExperiencePacks - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-ContentPackOSPackages - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-FeaturesOnDemandOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU. Force reinstallation of LCU when FOD is applied

    • Add-LanguageFeaturesOnDemandOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-LanguageInterfacePacksOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-LanguagePacksOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-LocalExperiencePacksOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Add-WindowsPackageOS - Modified calculation for reapplying LCU

    • Get-RegKeyCurrentVersion - Removed due to duplicate function in OSD Module

    • Get-TaskContentAddFeatureOnDemand - Added Force parameter to reapply LCU

19.11.20 (2019 November 20)

  • Import-OSMedia

    • Resolved an issue with importing multiple Operating Systems

  • Update-OSMedia | New-OSBuild

    • Changed some One Drive wording about existing and updated versions for Manel

19.11.18 (2019 November 18)

  • Copy Media now using Robocopy to resolve issues with PowerShell Copy-Item with a long path

  • New-OSBuild DontUseNewestMedia parameter added to Taskless ParameterSet

  • Show-OSDBuilderInfo now with more detailed information

Good Reading Material

ContentPacksOSMedia BaselineMultiLang Baseline

19.11.13 (2019 November 13) #MMSJazz Edition

Bug fix for new installations in Initialize-OSDBuilder

19.11.12 (2019 November 12) #MMSJazz Edition

Learn all about ContentPacks here


19.10.31 (2019 October 31) Halloween Edition has a Variable issue ... so make sure you are on

Directory Names

Directory Changes in this release add ContentPacks and rename Media. ContentPacks will be fully enabled in the OSDBuilder MMSJazz Edition. Media (which contained downloaded FeatureUpdates) has been renamed to FeatureUpdates


Now more transparent if you need an Update and some other changes

Get-OSDBuilderGet-OSDBuilder -Update


Yes you can go straight from Import to an OSBuild with NetFX enabled!

  • SkipGridView is now an alias for the new SkipGrid parameter. Either can be used going forward

  • UpdateOSMedia is now an alias for the new Update parameter. Either can be used going forward

  • BuildNetFX creates a new OSBuild with NetFX 3.5 enabled

Import-OSMedia -UpdateImport-OSMedia -BuildNetFX


These will be enabled in the OSDbuilder MMSJazz Edition, but unfortunately there is a cost. You will have to give up using Drivers, ExtraFiles, Registry, and Scripts in Templates. You have some options:

  • If they are not using them, delete them so you can be ready for ContentPacks

  • If you are using them, keep using them (for now), but you will have to migrate to ContentPacks soon enough. Adapt.

They will continue to work for existing OSDBuilder Home paths, but not be created going forward for new OSDBuilder Home paths. Can they co-exist? Sure, but at this point I am putting all efforts into BuildPacks, and would rather kill off the duplicate functionality in Templates

Can I keep using Template JSON Files?

Yes, there are no plans to change this

Why the change to ContentPacks?

For me, I never could use Template Content as much as I would have liked because while I design and support OSDBuilder, I also have my day job of supporting 'The Company'

This meant that I had to keep my content separate in different OSDBuilder Home directories ... often at times duplicating Updates, etc. It became rather time consuming, and let's be honest. I made OSDBuilder for me and my team first, and shared it with everyone else secondary (this isn't a paid job after all). So it seems I could never fully develop Templates as I actually need multiple Templates ... so after a few beers, and some silly names (LootCrate, ConfigPacks, OSDBuilderPackages, Box, BuildPacks) I decided on ContentPacks (one word, not two) because they are intended to replace the usage of the Content directories


If you are attending my MMSJazz sessions, send me a DM on Twitter so I can get you a separate build of OSDBuilder :)

Last updated